How to Create a Lead Funnel in 10 Minutes or Less | Buildapreneur

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Leads are vital to any business. Without leads, a business will eventually dry up and blow away with the slightest breeze. Done. Gone. Adios.

One of the best ways to collect leads is by using a lead funnel.


The idea is to use a funnel to capture leads for your autoresponder or getting their phone number or whatever information you need to be able to follow-up with them.

In this article, you’ll learn about driving leads with a funnel called a lead funnel. You’ll also see step-by-step how to create a lead funnel and why it’s a good idea to have one.

What Is A Lead Funnel And Why Is It Important?

The key to a good lead funnel is a good lead magnet. A lead magnet is something you give people in exchange for their information.

Many people are really reluctant to give their information when you’re not providing much value. They can simply get the information on Google.

But when you give them something of value that is relatable to your product, it changes everything. People are willing to give their information in exchange for something valuable.

You want to make your lead magnet relatable to your product that would appeal to the same audience. Many times, a lead magnet is something you give away for free.

This way you can take your opt-in rates from maybe 10-20 percent to 50, 60, or even 70 percent just by putting the right lead magnet in front of the right audience. They’ll be much more willing to give their information at that point.

Steps to Building A Lead Funnel

So how do you create a lead funnel? Building a lead funnel is fairly simple. You can build it in ten minutes or less.

There are some important things to consider when creating a lead funnel. One thing that’s important is to know your audience.

For example, if your audience is interested in money-making tips online, your lead funnel should reflect that with an offer they’d be interested in. You can offer something like a ready-to-go business they can use to make money online.

You could do something like that in WordPress or on a website and it’ll take you a while to put it together.

A better option is to use a software called ClickFunnels. It’s an amazing software that simplifies the process of building funnels.

lead funnel templates

In ClickFunnels, type in build a funnel, which it will then give you templates you can choose from. It’s ready to go, you just need to tweak it. You also have the option of creating a funnel from scratch if you want.

Here are the steps to creating a killer lead funnel in ten minutes or less:

  • Go to the funnel cookbook
  • Choose a simple two-step lead funnel template
  • Click on the lead funnel you chose (it will automatically put it into your ClickFunnels account)
  • Customize each step of the funnel with information regarding your offers, including headlines, font, colors, copy, etc.
  • Go to settings and integrate your funnel with your autoresponder of choice

Pages of a Lead Funnel

Many lead funnels are simple in that they have only two pages or steps to the funnel: a squeeze page and a thank you page.

Lead Funnels two steps

The squeeze page is where you make an offer to get the person’s email address. What you offer is usually something for free. For example, you could give a free ebook or a free course in exchange for the person’s email.

The thank-you page is where you send them after they give their email address and where you can sell them additional offers if you choose.

With a lead funnel, it’s important to keep it very simple. There is one purpose to a lead funnel and that is to get the information, like an email address, from site visitors. Then you can sell other products and services to them because you have them in your funnel.


Creating a lead funnel takes only a few minutes. It’s a simple, quick process when using ClickFunnels.

ClickFunnels can do much more than just creating leads. It can actually drive leads and then make money from those leads right off the bat, making your ads profitable seconds after someone goes through that funnel.

ClickFunnels is awesome, but it’s a little hard to learn at first. So if you get your 14-day free trial of ClickFunnels by clicking this link, you’ll get some pretty nice perks.

You’ll be able to reach out to me via support at and I will send you an entire course of hours and hours of videos on exactly how to do everything you need to know.

You’ll get training on how to use ClickFunnels, both how to use it tactically and strategically in order to have the most success.

I’ll also give you my ready-to-go funnels that make me money every day.

So click here to check out my ultimate review of ClickFunnels.

Key Factors When Building A Lead Funnel

There are a couple of key factors when building a funnel.

Keep It Simple

First, keep it simple. You want to identify a problem that people have and then you want to solve that problem for them quickly and for free.

For example, if they’re struggling with affiliate marketing, you could offer them a free three-hour course that shows step-by-step how to do it. You identify a problem and tell them how they can easily solve that problem by simply putting in their email address.

lead funnels lead magnet

If the offer is right, people will give you their email address. It’s that simple.

Make Your Offers Relate

The second key factor when creating a lead funnel is you want to make your other offers relatable to the lead magnet or make your lead magnet relatable to your other offers.

For example, if they put in their email address for your lead magnet and are then taken to a thank you page, the offer you have on that page needs to be congruent with what you just gave them. You don’t want to make it the same thing, just relatable. It needs to make sense.

You could have multiple offers, even a thank you page that sends them to another page in the funnel. But no matter how many offers you have, when it comes down to it, you want them all to be related somehow.

Whatever your core offer is that you want your leads to buy, your lead magnet and other offers need to relate to it. The people who want your lead magnet will be more likely to want your core offer.

Many people will make a random lead magnet that has nothing to do with the core offer or product they’re trying to sell.

They get a lot of people into their funnel through this lead magnet, but no one will buy because there’s a break, you have the wrong honey. They then throw their hands in the air wondering why they don’t make many sales when others do.

The secret is the audience that wants the lead magnet needs to be the audience that wants your core offer or product.

Use these two key factors when building your lead funnel and you’ll definitely have more success in getting the right leads for the offers you have. Learn more about lead generation.


So when creating your lead funnel, be sure to keep it simple, keep it related, and use ClickFunnels to be able to do it quickly and effectively.

Click here to get your 14-day free trial of ClickFunnels.

And click here to get some really cool funnels and free training.