Find YouTube Video Ideas Easily! Three Secret Methods for 2021

Looking To Start An Affiliate Marketing Blog?

Are you tearing your hair out trying to get good content ideas for your next YouTube video or blog post?

Many people struggle to come up with great ideas for their content. How do you come up with ideas? Do you just wing it? Do you steal your ideas from someone else?

There are ways to find great YouTube video content ideas that get you more views and better keywords on YouTube.

I’m going to share three secrets you can use to easily put together so many ideas right now that you’ll never have the problem of not knowing what to do again.

How to Use YouTube to Find Ideas

YouTube is a goldmine for finding video ideas. It is a search engine after all. People go on YouTube and search for things and you can tap into what they’re searching for.

If you go to YouTube and type in the search bar space, dash, space, and then a keyword, for example, affiliate marketing, which is what my channel is mostly about. Choose the keyword for your search that has to do with your channel.

YouTube search video ideas

YouTube is going to give you several suggestions for what other people have searched for. In the example of using affiliate marketing as the keyword, you would see different suggestions come up like Clickbank, Amazon, JVZoo, etc.

Then you can get really deep by adding each letter of the alphabet one at a time to the beginning of your search. For example, if you type in the letter ‘a’ at the beginning of your search, you’ll have suggestions come up like Amazon affiliate marketing, etc.

If you then type in the letter ‘b’, you’ll see the suggestions starting with the letter b. For example, beginner’s ideas for affiliate marketing, best affiliate marketing websites, Bing ads for affiliate marketing, etc.

Each of these letters you use to search is going to give you 10 suggestions. That’s 260 potential keywords and content ideas right there. So you can start targeting and making videos around them.

And why are they such good ideas? Because this is what YouTube is thinking you’re going to search for because other people are searching for that. You know it’s got search volume straight from the belly of the beast YouTube.

And the same thing works on Google as well.

Using VidIQ to Find YouTube Video Ideas

The next thing we’re going to use to find great ideas for content is a Google Chrome extension called VidIQ.

VidIQ has a free version and a paid version. I personally recommend getting the paid version if you can, as it will give you much more information than the free version.

We’re going to do the same thing as searching YouTube by just typing in a subject in the search bar. The VidIQ extension will then come up on the side and give you some good information about that particular keyword.

It will tell you if it’s good in search volume or not, if it’s low or high in competition, etc. And if you scroll down, it will give you related queries, just as it did in the YouTube search bar.

Using the same keyword affiliate marketing, some of the suggestions it gives are how to affiliate marketing, Amazon affiliate marketing, affiliate marketing online, make money in affiliate marketing, etc.

YouTube VidIQ search

These are all keywords that people are searching for. They have search volume and you know it’s going to be a good piece of content because it’s what people are already searching for and trying to figure out and learn.

This is how you get in the mindset of some of these people who are your target audience.

You can do the same thing for any niche, not just for affiliate marketing.

The free version only gives you 25 suggestions per keyword. The paid version, however, gives you much more, even hundreds of suggestions, which makes the paid version worth it.

Download the VidIQ extension here.

Getting Ideas from Your Competitors

The third way to get YouTube video content ideas is to look at what your competitors are doing. A lot of people don’t do this, but it’s one of my favorite ways to get ideas.

One of the people I like to follow in my niche of affiliate marketing is Kevin David.

If you click on his channel and go to videos, you can sort by most popular. These are the videos that are crushing it for your competitors. Their audience is loving them and they clearly have a high volume and excitement.

Kevin David’s biggest, most successful video currently has 1.8 million views. There are tons of different videos that come up as the most popular and are awesome content ideas for you to model. You know that because the users are liking and watching them.


YouTube competitor video ideas

Having 500,000 people interested in a video is a great indicator it’s a good video to model.

You can also do this for anyone in any niche.


Between these three ways I just taught you, you’re going to spend a couple of hours researching video ideas for YouTube. I recommend you use an excel sheet to put all the information in, like topic and keywords.

You can immediately start creating content for these keywords you’ve found because you know what has been searched for and what is popular on YouTube. You know what is getting the search volume.

Now you never have to sit there and wonder what you’re going to make your videos on.

You can get in and make 10 videos in a row and have everything mapped out, ready to go. Nothing can stop you from moving forward.

Take these three things and get started. These three secrets for video ideas works. I was able to get my channel to 10,000 subscribers and monetized those subscribers. And it can also work for you.

If you want more information on how to annihilate it on YouTube, check out my free training.

Affiliate Disclaimer: I may (and probably do) receive affiliate commissions from any products I recommend or links I put on this page. My opinions are my own but they are truthful and I do my best to recommend products that I have vetted and/or purchased myself.