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I know from first-hand experience why someone would want to be in one of the many affiliate programs that pay daily.
I’m in an affiliate program that pays after 90 days, and I’ve been part of one that holds onto reserve funds for up to 180 days.
I despise it.
The idea might make sense in the business world, but most affiliate marketers are individual people.
People that need things like food and housing. For us, waiting 180 days for a paycheck simply isn’t an option.
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So, this is an awesome list of affiliate programs that when it comes to affiliate commissions, they pay every day of the week and twice on Sunday.
You make a sale today and money is in your PayPal account by tomorrow.
Let’s dive in.
10 Affiliate Programs That Pay Daily
1. Warrior+Plus
2. JVZoo
3. dr.cash
4. Terra Leads
5. Mobidea
6. ClickMagick
7. PayKickstart
8. Rebll Network
9. Leadbit
10. CPA Lead
1. Warrior+Plus
Even though Warrior+Plus has a lot of negative reviews and the site itself seems to be stuck somewhere in the 1990s, we should show them some respect. Out of the affiliate programs that pay daily on this list, they are probably the oldest.
And, as my grandma used to say, “age before beauty.”
Now, Warrior+Plus was an offshoot of the massively popular Warrior Forum, and seeing as this affiliate network has been around since 2006, it’s safe to say that they are legit.
Their marketplace is brimming with “How To Make Money Online” products along with other smaller offerings, like t-shirt designs and coloring books for Kindle. All that said, your best chance to succeed with them is if you specialize in the IM niche (Internet Marketers).
In fact, some of their products can convert so well that they will make you good money and fast.
And, when you consider the fact that some of these products also provide recurring commissions and that many of those commissions will find their way into your PayPal account the instant the sale is finalized, you’re just left wondering why anyone would have anything bad to say about them.
So, why all the negative reviews?
Unfortunately, it’s not all sunshine and rainbows.
- For starters, while some of the products here are decent, many others are not even worth a second glance. However, their sales page content can be so misleading that the buyer doesn’t realize that they are handing over their hard-earned cash for a dud.
- Or, sometimes, the advertising promoting the product turns out to sell something completely different than what the end-product turns out to be. It’s like seeing a McDonald’s commercial on TV, where the burger looks juicy and tasty, but when you go to buy one of them, you are hit by the hard cold reality. It’s deflating. But, unlike a McDonald’s burger, the products on Warrior+Plus cost a bit more than 2 or 3 dollars.
- To make matters worse, none of these products have any user reviews on them, so you can’t tell off the bat which products to sell and which ones to steer clear away from.
- In addition to all of this, Warrior+Plus is notorious for mishandling refund requests.
You see, some sellers will offer a 30 to 60-day money-back guarantee to entice buyers.
However, when some buyers do demand a refund, those same sellers can move so slowly that you’d swear they, their computers, and their entire organization were drowning in a large vat of molasses.
And, even if they weren’t suffocating under a huge, viscous blob, a small part of you will wish that they were.
Nevertheless, none of that is really Warrior+Plus’s fault.
Don’t get me wrong. Their site is a bit old, and when you sign up, they will spam you like crazy. One guy claims that he received more than 1774 notifications.
But, the main criticisms we listed above all boil down to one thing: Warrior+Plus does not exert any quality control on the products being sold. It does not review the sales content, it doesn’t allow reviews, and it doesn’t interfere in the refund process.
So, it is your responsibility as an affiliate marketer to search for the best products to advertise and sell. Remember when we talked about the ethics of affiliate marketing?
You need to decide to be an ethical affiliate marketer, which means you need to sell products that you know will add value to the buyers.
Link: https://warriorplus.com/
Types of Products Being Sold: “How to Make Money Online”
Things to Look Out For: Bad products and misleading sales content.
2. JVZoo
No list of affiliate programs that pay daily would be complete without talking about JVZoo .
JVZoo first started out as an affiliate network for those selling “make money online” products. They wanted to compete with ClickBank, if not replace them all together at some point.
But, just like Amazon moved from selling books to selling everything, JVZoo shifted from serving the IM niche to serving everybody. Today, they have so many affiliate programs to offer that odds are someone has already spammed you about one of their products.
They also expanded locations that Clickbank wasn’t available in, for example they have programs available in the Philippines.
Yet, JVZoo is not known for big brand names. For instance, if you work with JVZoo, you won’t be promoting Nike’s latest Air Jordan or Microsoft Azure’s services.
When it comes to daily payments, JVZoo will send you the money via PayPal the instant you cross a specific payment threshold.
So, many offers to choose from and daily payments.
Any drawbacks?
Well, yes, there are a few.
Firstly, like anything in life, you need to read the fine print when it comes to daily payments. Yes, many of JVZoo’s products will earn you instant commissions. But, those payments actually become instant after you’ve established yourself as a “Premium Affiliate.”
What’s a “Premium Affiliate” you say?
Well, that’s a seller that pushes a lot of products and gets very few refunds.
And, until you are deemed a “Premium Affiliate,” you’re going to have to make do with a net-90 payment timeframe, which again brings us back to good ol’ Amazon.
Another problem JVZoo faces is that like other affiliate programs that pay daily on this list, some of their products might be of a lower quality and the sales content might be misleading.
Link: https://www.jvzoo.com/
Types of Products being sold: Different digital products, many of which focus on “How to Make Money Online.”
Things to Look Out For: Again, bad products. Also, instant payments aren’t instant until you reach a payment threshold and you establish yourself as a “Premium Affiliate.”
3. dr.cash
Having talked about two affiliate programs that pay daily, both of which serve the IM niche, let’s pivot a little and talk about dr.cash.
And, before delving further, I want you to take a second and guess the types of products you can find on dr.cash.
Go ahead, I’ll wait…
Unless you are familiar with dr.cash or have heard about them before, whatever you guessed is probably wrong. No, they don’t offer financial products, and no, they don’t deal with finance affiliate programs.
Instead, they only specialize in nutraceutical products, which are health supplements that are sold as alternatives to traditional medicine. I know, I was surprised as well.
Anyway, among the many neutraceutical affiliate networks out there, dr.cash is one of the best. It offers more than 2,500 products to choose from and spans over 240 geos.
Moreover, you can offer your buyers trials of some of the products over there, making the whole sales process much easier.
And, dr.cash reportedly has a stellar support team.
To top it all off, they don’t offer daily payments. They will pay you twice a day via PayPal.
Link: https://dr.cash
Types of Products Being Sold: Nutraceuticals
4. Terra Leads
While dr.cash specialized in selling neutraceuticals, Terra Leads takes things one step further: They manufacture their own neutraceuticals, and they label themselves as the world’s first CPA Hub, which is understandable when you think about it.
After all, if you produce something, market it, sell it to the public, and invite other affiliate marketers to sell it on your behalf, then you sort of have earned the right to call yourself a hub.
And, the “CPA” in “CPA Hub” part means that rather than getting paid a commission for each sale, you will get paid according to completed actions.
Terra Leads has more than 750 products for you to sell, all of which are made by them. So, you don’t have to worry about bad products, the kind that have buyers hitting that refund button like it owes them money.
If anything, Terra Leads is such a big name in the fitness niche that you shouldn’t have problems converting.
They operate in 28 countries, and each location has its own call center and processes its own orders, so the language barrier will never be an issue.
And, since their products are manufactured in Europe, they have to meet the EU standards for clinical trials, making them more trustworthy than your average weight-loss pill or skincare product.
As for the Terra Leads interface, it’s great. It makes it a cinch to track your marketing efforts and to see how ahead on the board you really are.
Aside from offering instant payments when your sale is confirmed, Terra Leads also rewards its affiliates with “T-coins.” These little bad boys can be exchanged for prizes, be it a TV for your living room or a new car to rove the Mojave desert.
Bottom line, almost every reviewer online swears on their mother that Terra Leads is the affiliate program for them.
Link: https://terraleads.com/
Types of Products Being Sold: Nutraceuticals
5. Mobidea
Another excellent entry on our list, Mobidea is one of those affiliate networks that gets nothing but praise from those who use it. They are one of the best affiliate networks that serve mobile traffic.
Mobidea has several categories to choose from, including beauty, health, games, video, and dating. And, the majority of their offers are high-quality products with high conversion rates, making them stand out from the rest of the pack.
They also stand out with their CPA, or Cost Per Action, system. Basically, rather than paying you for every sale, the platform will pay you if particular actions are taken.
For instance, if someone clicks on your link, you get paid. If someone signs up for an e-mail list or subscribes to a webinar, you get paid.
So, you don’t have to strain your back trying to close a sale.
And, of course, they offer to pay every day if you so choose. However, every day is more like every business day.
But, if you do manage to make it to VIP status, they will even pay on weekends.
Other benefits that come with Mobidea include an excellent responsive support team and state-of-the-art tracking technology.
Types of Products being sold: Different categories
Things to Look Out For: Unless you are a VIP, daily means every business day.
6. ClickMagick
We’ve talked about 5 affiliate programs that pay daily so far, and all of them have come from affiliate networks.
However, ClickMagick is not a network. It is a product that has an affiliate program of its own.
So, what is ClickMagick?
Simply put, it is a SAAS product that enables marketers such as yourself to track where link clicks are coming from. So, you’ll be able to tell the size of your organic traffic vs. the number of clicks that come through ads. You can also tell how well different keywords perform for your niche.
Obviously, for anyone who wants to know the ROI of their different campaigns, a tool like ClickMagick becomes indispensable.
Another benefit of ClickMagick is that it lets you perform split tests, helping you hone your sales funnel.
As for their affiliate program, it does pay every day so long as the fees have accrued for more than two weeks. Also, their minimum payout is $50.
Their commissions reach around 35%.
Also, since ClickMagick offers subscriptions, they will pay you a recurring commission for each new customer you bring them. That means you bring in a customer once and get paid indefinitely for it. If that isn’t passive income, I don’t know what is.
Link: https://www.clickmagick.com/
Types of Products Being Sold: Marketing tool for tracking link clicks
Things to Look Out For: Before receiving a payout, your fees need to accrue for more than two weeks and the minimum payout is $50.
7. PaykickStart
The problem with affiliate networks is that you aren’t always confident of the quality of the product you’re selling, which was the case with JVZoo and Warrior+Plus.
This is why ClickMagick might have been appealing to you. You know exactly what you’re selling.In that same vein, if you’re looking for another product with an excellent affiliate program that pays daily, then PaykickStart may be the answer to your prayers.
So, what is PaykickStart?
Whether a business needs to process a run-of-the-mill sales transaction or to take in a subscription payment, PaykickStart can help with that.
It is a shopping cart solution that lets businesses optimize their sales funnels and improve on their up-selling process. Moreover, the software handles global taxes.
And, their commissions are attractive. They pay you around one-quarter of the total lifetime value of every customer you bring them. So, you’re talking about a recurring payment that makes its way into your PayPal account on a daily basis.
However, FYI, if you choose to get paid via Payoneer, you will get paid on a monthly basis.
But, let’s say you want to sell something other than the PaykickStart software.
Can you do that and still be their affiliate?
You see, any merchant who uses the PaykickStart software can try to get affiliates of their own through the PaykickStart marketplace. This means that you can find several products that serve different niches.
For instance, you have CreateStudio, which is a software solution that enables laymen like you and me, i.e. people without a ton of software skills, to create video animations.
There is also Doodly, which lets you create beautiful-looking doodle videos.
So, when it’s all said and done, PaykickStart is a mix between a product with an affiliate program and an affiliate network.
Link: https://paykickstart.com/
Types of Products Being Sold: Software solutions.
Things to Look Out For: If you want to get paid through Payoneer, you won’t be getting paid daily.
8. Rebll Network
I’m a sucker for love.
Always have been and always will be.
If anything, I believe that a good relationship is one where both parties support each other through thick and thin. And, those of you who know anything about me know that I wouldn’t be where I am today without the support of my wife and family.
God, those days in Hawaii were scary times.
Anyway, to me, a list of affiliate programs that pay daily would never be complete without an affiliate network that was dedicated to the dating community. After all, if you want to let love into your life, you have to keep all the doors open.
With that said, I give you the Rebll Network.
Now, this is a very niche affiliate network, but if you happen to operate in this niche, then you definitely should check Rebll out.
They have been building a reputation as one of the best affiliate networks in the dating space.
For one thing, you can find more than 600 products to choose from on their network.
And, the affiliates who work with Rebll have all attested to the fact that the offers convert really well. Also, don’t forget that dating offers tend to have high commission structures.
So, just for doing cupid’s work, you get good money in your bank account, daily payments that are sent to you the instant you cross a certain threshold.
To top it all off, Rebll has an excellent support system to help its affiliate partners.
Link: https://www.rebll.com/
Types of Products Being Sold: Mostly dating offers
9. Leadbit
When I talk to people about affiliate marketing, there are a few questions I get asked time and time again.
One of them is how I managed to win three cars.
The other is why did I choose my Toyota as one of them when I could have gone for something a bit more upscale.
But, what can I say?
I love driving my white four-by-four into the desert. Let me see you do that with your Porsche.
However, if you still have your heart set on winning a Porsche, then Leadbit might be for you.
This is a growing affiliate marketing network that has offices in more than 50 different countries.
To be more accurate, Leadbit brands itself as a global CPA network. They have more than 700 offers to choose from. And, most of those offers serve very profitable niches, including gambling, sweepstakes, nutraceuticals, and dating.
Regarding payment, even though Leadbit normally pays weekly, you can get paid daily if you become a “Trusted Partner.”
What does it take to become a “Trusted Partner”?
Firstly, you need to make plenty of sales.
Also, just because Leadbit pays per action such as a click, this is no excuse to abuse this. In other words, you can’t send bot traffic to the orders in hopes of increasing your revenue. Leadbit will catch on quick to what you’re doing.
And, finally, you need to make sure that you are marketing to the right people to reduce your refund rates.
You do all of this, and you’ll be on their good side.
You’ve probably noticed by now that many of the affiliate programs that pay daily require you to prove yourself first.
Paypal does the same thing. They will process the funds of an established seller much faster than they will for a newbie. So, can you really blame Leadbit?
What’s more, Leadbit gives prizes each year to its top-performing affiliates. These prizes range from smartphones to that coveted Porsche Cayenne, the same one that people keep hounding me for passing over.
The only thing worth pointing out is that the minimum payout is 30$. Also, if you are using a free hosting service, Leadbit won’t approve you. They require that your website be hosted on a paid hosting.
Types of Products Being Sold: Several profitable niches, including gambling, sweepstakes, nutraceuticals, and dating.
Things to Look Out For: The minimum payout is $30, and you need to have paid hosting to work with Leadbit.
10. CPA Lead
CPA Lead is a hybrid platform, a bit of a mutt. It’s what happens when someone wonders what you get when you cross an affiliate network with a PPC network.
Now, cross-breeding is not always a safe practice. Sometimes, you end up with bulldogs, creatures struggling under their own weight just to breathe.
However, the end result can occasionally be a thing of beauty that makes everyone involved happy.
Fortunately, CPA Lead is the happy type of result.
The platform offers several products to serve multiple niches. Some of these products offer daily payments, and others will pay weekly.
Another bonus here is that CPA Lead requires no minimum payout.
Moreover, they have many tools to help you. For instance, they can provide you with a content locker that locks a webpage with content on it.
I guess the name is pretty self-explanatory, isn’t it?
Anyway, the only way the reader can unlock the page is by signing up for an offer of your choosing or filling out a survey.
Types of Products Being Sold: The products serve multiple niches.
With so many affiliate programs that pay daily, how are you supposed to choose which program to go with?
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Well, obviously, the first deciding factor is your niche.
If you spend half your day thinking about how to make money online and writing about it, then dr.cash and Terra Leads might not be right for you.
Also, you want to consider your level of experience and your reach. For instance, if you’re a newbie, then you should steer away from anything that is too competitive and look for areas where you stand a chance.
And, without enough experience, you might accidentally end up pushing a product that is pure garbage, irreversibly harming your reputation in the process.
Another thing to think about is how good is the support system.
If we’re being honest, every affiliate marketer is bound to run through some problems here and there, and you want to have the best support team available when that happens.
Trust me, there is nothing worse than being stuck out at sea without a paddle.
But, of all of these affiliate programs that pay daily, if you find the right one, you could have the pleasure of waking up every morning to the sweet sound of your phone notifying you that a deposit has been made into your PayPal account.
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